#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006

土曜日, 9月 30, 2006

Happy times and a little thoughts.

Test are over, now at least I have some free time to play and think about the news release.

This is the time of the year when the house is getting real cold like shit. Worst thing is that nothing could be done. ><

Today, work was easy. I was prepping the whole day and it was a fun job to have.

As I was working opposite Lisa, the salad lady, she asked me about watching concerts in CFA.
I told her I got no idea.
She said she is interested in George Jones, a old country singer.
50 or so bucks is totally worth it for concert like this, she said.
But I will do my grocery and see if I have enough left to spend for that, she continued.
That moment, I felt melancholy.
I felt like a spoilt brat who never stop asking for new things.

I was eavesdropping while I was working this morning.
Don't you speak to Niki that way, Tina said, I like her.
Yeah, everyone here likes Niki. Lisa replied. At least that is what I heard, she is good in what she's doing.
She is my sunshine. Bob said.

I didn't know I was so likeable.
Maybe when one do their own best, naturally they will be loved. Unconditionally.

Later in the evening I went over to TJ Maxx and see what they have in stores.

And guess what I got?

I got myself a bottle of Ralph Lauren blue as my current Elizabeth Arden green tea is so running out due to unfrequent showers.
At a markdown price of course.

Then something more important:
I got myself a keychain. At last, no more keys with book binding ring chained together.
I finally got my bunch of keys a oversized reindeer with solid eyelashes keychain from Rafe New York.

See how shiny the rings are! *bling*
The price in a usual store? USD 55
The markdown price that I paid for? USD 7

Fridays are happy days.

ラベル: , , , ,

金曜日, 9月 29, 2006

Get that screwdriver off me

As I am officially screwed up for my psyc test.
But three cheers to my above average I thought I would do bad Com337 test.
Hopefully 217 give me nice suprises like that too.

木曜日, 9月 28, 2006

No I still couldn't concentrate and I don't know why.
Yee Dar said maybe I am so used to the free state of not studying.
But how could it be when I seriously studied for the other two subjects?
There must be something wrong.
I still can't concentrate.
That is why I am blogging here.
Blame this blog if I screw up my test.

p/s happy birthday pa! Thanks for giving me everything, a good education especially. I might need you to help me pay for my masters ed too. :P

Hypnotize me..

Concentrate...concentrate on your psyc test tommorow...Don't even think about the camcorder that you just bought.

Concentrate... You gotta do well tommorow so  that you will get a good overall grade to get into NYU.



水曜日, 9月 27, 2006

A toast to Winnie

Happy Birthday, my funny best pal!

Deep thoughts.

First thing first, Chris quit the job. Damn. Its like no more sunshine on saturdays. Shit.

Well, I have thought about what I should be doing after my graduation next spring. I don't think I am very likely to get a job with this degree of mine. Communication...HA! It's too broad to get a professional job and I will probably end up getting a post as a clerk or worse still a window cleaner or something. So I decided to continue studying and do my masters in NYU specializing in graphic communications Management and Technology. I wonder if Daddy will volunteer to support me for another 2 years for my education, I am too embarrassed to ask for so much money for education when people my age are already working.I don't want to burden him anymore too. If he says no to my education, I probably gotta make ends meet during my OPT year and try to enroll myself into a masters program at the near end of OPT.

Getting myself a camcorder. Why? Because I want my life to be recorded. Maybe I should make a documentary about my struggle after graduation name : The Route to NYU.

what shit..

水曜日, 9月 20, 2006

Upclose with The Holiness Dalai Lama

The Holiness specially requested that he wanted to talk to us, the chinese students.
So early in the morning, we went to slee hall.
Not much people went.

The security was very very strong.
However, we managed to get the first row seats.
Slee hall wasn't big, the special thing about it is the gigantic pipe organ.

It was a long wait so they sent a pianist to entertain us at the meantime.
Dalai lama came early, and he looked smiley and mischiveious.

He must feel very welcome and comfortable seeing the chinese.
Look at the way he seat when he speaks.

" I am just a normal person" the holiness said.
How could he be when there is a crowd of 20000 that fill the whole football stadium gather around to listen to him speak?

" Unbiased Compassion ought to be in everyone."
That is the message the holiness wants to tell us.
And I am one of the luckier ones that get this message twice.

火曜日, 9月 19, 2006

I was in the dishroom.

And I realized how Chris felt.
Hot, sticky, stuffy, gross and busy.
That is definitely not a nice place to work.
Especially on Saturdays when everyone goes to eat.
I FINALLY is going to the 5 hours course after like bloody 4 months.
God please don't give me a headache today.
I want to get my license quick.

月曜日, 9月 18, 2006

The Black Dahlia

Sexy plot in the 50s.

Two cops- Fire and Ice , great partners

and in the middle, a pretty lady who is Fire's girl, but Ice likes her.

Then a real brutal murder case, involved an actress wannabe and a lot of suspense.

Fire got killed because he found out about it first.
Ice wanted to know more and had an affair with a playgirl who look like a drag

After the whole lot of sex,

and more sex,

and a lot of blood, gunshots and swearing,
he eventually found out the story behind the whole thing.
And finally, case solved.
Ice and Fire's girl stay happily ever after

It wasn't a great movie.
But it's worth my two hours time for a glimpse of Josh Harnett's ass.

Before movies, we went to Golden Duck for a chinese buffet that has 豆腐花。
And that make me sorta contented.
Good time to study after feeling contented.
Off to my books.

日曜日, 9月 17, 2006

Chris the salad man.

Yes.. Finally Caitlin put Chris to work with me, and that is after seeing him pleading me. " Please Niki, I want to work with you, I don't want to be in the dishroom..*with that hush puppy type of eyes*"

Of course since I am working with him, I get to talk to him more than usual. And I found out that Chris is 26! ( A fortune teller once told me that I should find a partner who is older than me in the multiple of three years.... BWAHAHAHHAHA..Chris that is!)

However I have this hunch that he's gay. When he talk to me, the way he touch me and the way he hold my arms...It's like so affectionate that you feel he's gay. I mean where the hell there will be a guy who is going to hold your arms and say :" Look Niki!" That is just so girl kinda thing. And the point is that when you know you're being hold by this cute guy that you have been eyeing for a while, aren't you supposed to have this ' whole body shock' that go through all over? I can't feel that with Chris at all.

But anyway, he will be working with me the rest of the semester if there's nothing wrong. He's a nice, cute, soft spoken adorable guy, who cares if he's gay?

金曜日, 9月 15, 2006

Psyc331 - Higgins' Self Discrepancy Theory

This is one theory that I like.
Because I can apply it to myself.
And usually those theories that I can relate to are those few theories that I like.
It says that there are three selfs in one person.

The Actual Self- who you are

The Ideal Self- who you want to be

The Ought Self- who you think you should be.

If there is discrepancy between the actual self and ideal self, you will be depressed and sad.
If there is discrepancy between the actual self and the ought self, this will lead to anxiety.

Confused? Let me tell you a real life example.

The Actual Me- I am an average looking communication student who wants to be good looking and real good in advertising.

The Ideal Me- I am supposed to be rich and pretty and have a good intern and a good job in ogilvy waiting for me once I graduate.

The Ought Me- I should have studied either law or architecture or medcine, because they guarantee me a job after I graduate.

I (the ugly communication student) am not the one I wanted to be (the pretty, budding advertising mogul) and is for sure not the one I should be (the lawyer, architect, doctor.)

Which means this make me a real sad and depressed and anxious young woman.
Pretty screwed.

木曜日, 9月 14, 2006

I think this is serious.

Down with a really annoying cold.
I feel cold and have the really irritating running nose,
which make my eyes feel like closing all the time.
Then I have this fever.

*back to bed with thick jumpers and socks.*

水曜日, 9月 13, 2006

Have you ever..

..have this feeling like nothing really matters to you anymore,
you only feel like damn it why is the weather 12 degrees when it is only August,
and the only thing you want to do right now is to change your lifestyle right away,
get a job and get rich and famous,
so that you can get the camera that you are eyeing on recently,
But then you just feel so fat and bloaty and useless;
Your major that you are pursuing seemed so broad that it is hard to get a job with it,maybe you should just do a master and phd after the degree;
Meanwhile, you just gobbled down a big plate of bokum bob,
thinking of the leftover chicken club sub leftover from yesterday for dinner tonight,
telling yourself tommorow's the right day to start the lose 30 lbs diet
because december you are meeting mom again and also started planning what to buy them before you go back and where to get the money to buy the things from?

This is so exactly how I feel now.

月曜日, 9月 11, 2006

I passed him the powdered sugar that he had been looking for endlessly.
" I love you." he said.
" I know." I said, smiling back.
He looked at me with his millon dollar smile.
And he hurriedly took the powdered sugar out without noticing that it's not sealed.
He gone back to work.
Left behind was his trace by the powdered sugar.

Very cute.

金曜日, 9月 08, 2006

I got myself a pair of these.

Isolating shure E2c earphones.

Works as it is named, I indeed is being isolated from the outer world.
Now I have a peace of mind.^^

I'll give you a right up.

Woke up with a terrible headache.
And I am supposed to work this morning.
I could make it. I told myself.
I went to the toilet and I felt the ceiling spinning round and round.
Damn, cannot make it. Seriously.
I called the manager.
"Neil, I am not feeling very good today, can I not come?"
"Niki, do you know you are going to get a right up for this?"
"I know"
" Then come to work or I am giving you a right up. We can't make it without you."

I should have just informed him instead of asking his permission.
I should have said: Neil I am not coming today. Just give me a fucking right up.

I don't give a damn if they can make it with or without me.
I don't give a damn even if he don't give me a friday shift anymore.
I don't give a damn if he put me on pots tommorow.
I don't give a damn if he give me a right up.
I am sick.
and I need rest.

I off the phone and went back to sleep.

木曜日, 9月 07, 2006


Finally, presenting the mysterious Suri Cruise

Despite all the weird behaviors of her parents,
And the rumors of her being an alien,
Suri turned out to be a gorgeous baby.
In fact, one of the most gorgeous I have ever seen.

火曜日, 9月 05, 2006

I feel happy.

Sometimes there's little things around you that can make you feel as happy and satisfied as the hard-reached posh ones.
such as these that I found in my fridge:

compared to these that I am craving for:

The biggest satisfaction in life is to feel contented.

月曜日, 9月 04, 2006

chocolate therapy.

When I plan to go shop for something, and I didn't manage to get not only the thing that I intended to buy, but also basically anything. I feel frustrated.
Like very frustrated.Tulan.
This is how I felt after I came home from a long planned trip to the mall.
I ended up buying myself a okay tasting pretzel.
And period cramps stopped me from having ice cream.
Twice the tulan.
Cramp didn't stop there.
I craved for chocolate.
I cannot survive with Hershey chocolate when there is a box of hotel chocolat truffle yet to be eaten.
The chocolate I brought back from UK for Matt as a present.
And we got no time to meet up.
It still stay there in my fridge safe and sound.


so I opened it.
oh yeah....it was cloud nine after feeling the champagne cream melting into my mouth.
And those red little balls...blackcurran crisps with champagne cream...
soothed me down totally.
I was totaled.

At that point in my life, I decided that I MUST OWN A HOTEL CHOCOLAT SHOP someday.
I know this someday will be very soon.

金曜日, 9月 01, 2006

It's UB football homeopener!!

Which means a huge pregame party!
Which means free tee-shirts, free food, freebies and having lotsa fun!
I believe people go there for freebies more than the game.
We were two of those kind.
So we went.

As you see, this game is considered a big event in a small town.
To prevent any chaos, bags were checked,
Security was tight. And sheriffs were spotted.

After all those hassle, we finally got our tickets.

And according to the holy homeopener ritual, the first thing after getting the tickets is to get the tee shirts.
But since this is a football opener, there are more things to do other than taking free tee shirts.

There was a idunnowhoarethey band playing, they were pretty good.

Then there was free food, serving hot dogs and popcorn and ice cream and take anything you want bottled drink.
HS grabbed an ice cream.

I got myself a bottle of strawberry milk.

We saw something interesting going on beside the food booth.

Body painting!!
As a UB student, I have never been active in these activities.
I decided to have one done on my arm to show support to the footballers.

HS's on his wrist.

Way to go, BULLS!!

Other than food and free tee shirts, there were free fun fair typo games too.
The rodeo game.

The hit and ring that bell game.

Meanwhile, I saw Geico. A huge one that walks away with a free tee shirt.
I didn't know that Geicos wear tees.

Anyway, I didn't ask him about that because he gave me a head band.

We went on to play with other stuff, such as the duck pond.

You win as long as you picked two ducks with the same alphabet written to their bottoms.
HS was very lucky with that, he picked two and win straight away.
Won this little thing in his hand.

I didn't consider myself unlucky though I didn't picked two same ones, because I spotted this kid.

Mohawk kid. And oh so willing to pose for me.

Before we decided to leave, there was a Buffalo Wing eating contest on stage.
The record was eating 162 wings in idunnohowlong period of time.
And this time, it was 2 plates in 5 mins time.
Contestants were gobbling as if they have never eaten anything in years.

The reason why they are eating that way, is because the winner quotes:" Stay Hungry and FOCUSED!!"

People were all around.

And more people went in when I left.
And eveyone got the freebies.

I didn't stay for the show.
No point watching a game that you don't know and end up crying and cheering for the opposing team.
I just wish that the footballers have as much fun as I did.

And they did. They won. 9-3 ^^

About the Rambler

  • I'm Ding
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • The epitome of outstandingly mediocre.
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