#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007

月曜日, 4月 30, 2007

me and ogilvy.

金曜日, 4月 27, 2007

Problems arised.

Now. I gotta get a new housemate.

I love my camper shoes, however it kinda gives me blisters.

I would still like to stick my ass around in school, but I really gotta get a job that allows me to stay back in NY.

Damn. I never knew growing old could be THAT hard.

On this rainy day.

.. I think about you, a lot.
Thought you might be interested to know.

水曜日, 4月 25, 2007

Its true, that the best are always saved for last.

Well, I knew that we're going to win, especially after I see those people that I had been complaining about since ages ago totally did an awesome job presenting! And we won. And later I heard from one of the TAs, the reason we won is because we have the most eye catching and good concept ads. And all those hassle to the zoo, just to calculate the time using public transportation.
Yes, we won!!

But how come i don't have the feeling like what I had when I won the Tonawanda project?

Still, it's nice to win. At least I get a sure A for this class.

月曜日, 4月 23, 2007


A new start in a new blog. Thanks to Winnie, then I know I can do much more here than in blogspot. Well, here I can show you more of what I like and dislike. Will probably stick to here until further notice. I am glad. hehe.. Back to my work. Talk to you later. Ciao!

金曜日, 4月 20, 2007

Pop! Goes my heart.

After that chaos that I've started in my ad group that day, I've been doomed with a headache that is there for consecutive on and off two days.
But I don't care, the more I think about it, I am glad of what I've done.
Should have shouted at her even louder. Damn.


Despite all the shocking news that keep updating every 5 mins about the massacre, I took a little break and watched the long anticipated Music and Lyrics. Oh, how I heart Hugh Grant. No, you won't understand how much I like him. You know you really like a guy when you still swoon over him when he is in his tightest pants and weirdest dance moves.

Yes. That is what happened to me.
Swooning over Hugh Grant in TIGHT white pants doing the cheesiest dance moves you can ever imagine.
He is just so cute.
I wish HS is 1/10 as cute.

And I wonder if I will act like one of those ladies if I see 911's Lee in a gathering dinner in 10 years time.

水曜日, 4月 18, 2007

Heartfelt condolences to Virginia Tech.

It is terribly heart wrenching to see the reports about the shooting in Virginia Tech.
What has happened to this society?
I am basically speechless.

月曜日, 4月 16, 2007

A New Day, A New Life.

From today on:

I will wake up at 7.30.
Do my prayers.
Eat my cereal with milk.
Then go school.
No solid food after noon.( for diet purposes, damn, i've gain back most of the weight that I cut down previously)
Do my prayers before I sleep.

I gotta persist in this.

日曜日, 4月 15, 2007

What I am feeling

One word explains it all: Dulan.

土曜日, 4月 14, 2007

ads, flyer and brochures.

The Brochure.

The Ads.

The Flyer.

木曜日, 4月 12, 2007

7 Posts to go.

Yes, I freaking hate them.
However I came up with this new ads, yesterday.
By hook or by crook, I just want them to use it.

Let me die please.

8 more posts to go after this one.

Well, I am not going to like totally close this blog.
Just that I'll stop writing here.
For Good.

Maybe I'll have a comeback, with a twist.


Just wanna let you guys know that I feel worthless, despite the truth that I am brighter than a lot of my group members.
Bright as in BLING BLING SHINE bright.
And I feel frustratedly hopeless as the ad project goes on.
Apparently coal can never shine like diamonds do.
It's not that they can't, but they just don't want to.
What the hell.

I just can't imagine that people that are more impractical,stubborn-er and dumber than me actually exist in the world.
In my very freaking group.
And I so want to win this thing.

Just shoot me right in the head. Now.

火曜日, 4月 10, 2007

I finally have made up my mind.

Another 10 posts, I am so gonna to close down this blog.
I think I am better off sticking with my good ol' Moleskine.


I think I have at least 5 reasons for closing down my blog.
1. It is way too not personal.
2. I have way too few friends who is aware of my blog.
3.Although sometimes I think I am somewhat boring and emotional, but I think I am way better than some actcuteinpink ah lian from singapore. However, she just gets more reader. What the hell is happening to this society?
4. Maybe I am a loner in the blogosphere.
5. Maybe I am not that good as good afterall

And I think I would like to be left alone for a while.

About the Rambler

  • I'm Ding
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • The epitome of outstandingly mediocre.
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