#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Happy times and a little thoughts.

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Happy times and a little thoughts.

Test are over, now at least I have some free time to play and think about the news release.

This is the time of the year when the house is getting real cold like shit. Worst thing is that nothing could be done. ><

Today, work was easy. I was prepping the whole day and it was a fun job to have.

As I was working opposite Lisa, the salad lady, she asked me about watching concerts in CFA.
I told her I got no idea.
She said she is interested in George Jones, a old country singer.
50 or so bucks is totally worth it for concert like this, she said.
But I will do my grocery and see if I have enough left to spend for that, she continued.
That moment, I felt melancholy.
I felt like a spoilt brat who never stop asking for new things.

I was eavesdropping while I was working this morning.
Don't you speak to Niki that way, Tina said, I like her.
Yeah, everyone here likes Niki. Lisa replied. At least that is what I heard, she is good in what she's doing.
She is my sunshine. Bob said.

I didn't know I was so likeable.
Maybe when one do their own best, naturally they will be loved. Unconditionally.

Later in the evening I went over to TJ Maxx and see what they have in stores.

And guess what I got?

I got myself a bottle of Ralph Lauren blue as my current Elizabeth Arden green tea is so running out due to unfrequent showers.
At a markdown price of course.

Then something more important:
I got myself a keychain. At last, no more keys with book binding ring chained together.
I finally got my bunch of keys a oversized reindeer with solid eyelashes keychain from Rafe New York.

See how shiny the rings are! *bling*
The price in a usual store? USD 55
The markdown price that I paid for? USD 7

Fridays are happy days.

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About the Rambler

  • I'm Ding
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • The epitome of outstandingly mediocre.
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