#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004

火曜日, 11月 30, 2004

this is a pic of a cat by a fren who's in fine arts major...you can actually figure out what kind of guy he is when you see this picture.. Posted by Hello

This is the other day in Sau Seng Lam, doing some charity fair..featuring third aunty(first row from right) and Ah bat (the one showing peace sign), the legendary iron chefs, an ah cheng(the one not looking at the camera), ah hua(the girl in the yellow shirt), ah yao and nazri, the helpers at the stall, we got a lot of money that day...all went to the charity...This is only part of the group, there are a few hidden sifu who don't want their pictures to be taken also=)Well, it was fun, at least i did something meaningful before i leave. Posted by Hello

yi shen dear, this is for you....the legendary TIRAMISU!! Posted by Hello

金曜日, 11月 26, 2004

This comes with the christmas tree Posted by Hello

This is Chang's stuff...erm...colorful? i might say.. Posted by Hello

This one is Jon Michael's group....yeah typical subi and peggy kinda design...good concept, but could be better Posted by Hello

This is Hadi's group...but i heard he din do much stuff...Claretta was the one who did like most of the work...i kinda like this poster. Posted by Hello

This is Hanven's groups...but he kinda feel helpless about this thing...because his group kinda restrict his ideas Posted by Hello

this comes with the traffic light . I like the whole concept of the traffic light. actually all of us like it, but Ms Anna criticizes a lot... Zane said that maybe she just expected too much from them, because they are kinda like the best group. Posted by Hello

This is Sam, Man Ee and Zane's masterpiece Posted by Hello

this is my masterpiece Posted by Hello

木曜日, 11月 25, 2004

It's kinda sad when you see this situation when like a couple, after just two years of intense relationship, one of them get to really see what the other one is like already, and start to hate it, and even if they are registered officially in the sumpah office or what, she still state that she's single when applying for something. Hmm... really sad.

check this ninja page out. It's like freakingly funny...so funny that even your pee pee likes it. (that's how they describe in that site). But it kinda bring disgrace to the ninja ...AHAHA...sorry if i offended any of the ninjas out there.


Samantha's very dissapointed with Ms Anna's comment...about the wordings that spoil the whole thing off..erm...I don't know how to console her also....Mine also like that...keep getting rejected and stuff...AIH....Anyway...everything is done...post up the pictures of all the adverts tommorow..Just Sit Back , Relax and Enjoy.

水曜日, 11月 24, 2004

I damn hao lien today lor.....coz i really find that my stuff is like so good now. (JON MICHAEL,TAKING OFF ALL THOSE PRESTIGIOUS SCHOOLS NAME STILL DOESN'T MAKE MY AD LOOK BAD!) well...He din actually said that it was so bad...in fact he said it was good, but he shot me yesterday, and now i stand strong, here, to tell him that i am still alive, despite that shooting yesterday.NYAHAHAHHAAHA..

I can only give you love that lasts forever
And a promise to be near each time you call
And the only heart I own
For you and you alone
That’s all, that’s all.

I can only give you country walks in springtime
And a hand to hold when leaves begin to fall
And a love whose burning light
Will warm the winter’s night
That’s all, that’s all.

There are those, I am sure, who have told you
They would give you the world for a toy
All I have are these arms to enfold you
And a love time can never destroy

If you’re wondering what I’m asking in return, dear
You’ll be glad to know that my demands are small
Say it’s me that you’ll adore
For now and ever more
That’s all, that’s all

If you’re wondering what I’m asking in return, dear
You’ll be glad to know that my demands are small
Say it’s me that you’ll adore
For now and ever more
That’s all, that’s all.

火曜日, 11月 23, 2004

This is my work...a final job for advertising. despite the blank part in the words (which I scrape out princeton and UCLA because they say it is not transferable anymore, shitness) overall it should look okie....what do you guys think?I am like so damn sad over the whole thing . Posted by Hello

I think everyone likes it.Well, although I feel dissapointed, but there is this moment of bliss (AHAHHAHA) when Ms Anna think it is like so neat and cool and everyone is clapping in unison..Peter and Sasi should have felt that too... I felt like I was awarded a lifetime award with that "chariots of fire" theme as the background music. This moment just last for like a split second and zap (you know that kind of ZZZZZZZZAAAAP!) back to my present melancholy state of mind when Jon Michael started shooting me down about that Princeton thing...T-T

Han Ven is so like Slick (the pimp in Sinfest)...especially just now when he said :Voulez dormir avec moi ce soir? (want to sleep with me tonight?) then he winked....shitness....such a slut.

Alrite...I think that's it for today..I have serious stuff to do now. Thanks for listening

there's a link that'll cheer you up...


土曜日, 11月 20, 2004

A fren of mine is getting married..marriage..such a faraway word for me...so many things to think about, only the thought of the event itself can kill me. (especially when the person getting married is not economically steady)Don't even say about getting married..my cough and the nose stuck is already killing me.Shitness.

Quote of the day on marriage:

The Wedding March always reminds me of the music played when soldiers go into battle.

--Heinrich Heine

木曜日, 11月 18, 2004

shitnessly sick...but recover quite fast... i am like 50 % RECOVERED already. going to do my VISA tommorow...wish me a lot of luck...i need it.. Posted by Hello

火曜日, 11月 16, 2004

Everytime we say goodbye
I die a little
Everytime we say goodbye
I wonder why a little
Why the gods above me
Who must be in the know
Think so little of me
They allow you to go

When you're near
There's such an air
Of spring about it
I can hear a lark somewhere
Begin to sing about it
There's no love song finer
But how strange the change
From major to minor
Everytime we say goodbye

There's no love song finer
But how strange the change
From major to minor
Everytime we say goodbye
 Posted by Hello

well.......i am really tired today, so i get pissed off easily...plus PMS...which make things even worse..(yeah , yeah, i know all these are just excuse, BUT IT IS TRUE in some way)..My genie went out yamchar...hmm...i wonder if i can use my wishes today...alrite i wish for wishes that can last me for another year.ehehhhehe..i feel empty outta sudden. maybe i should go sleep. Posted by Hello

火曜日, 11月 09, 2004

try this out...fry the yong tau foo...for those who dunno chinese....click the first button, then you'll go into the game. It is quite interesting.

hmm....nothing much today laa.....finished test already gotta start work on that poster thing liao...

月曜日, 11月 08, 2004

The Mystery of the Missing friendster testimonials

haha..this title sounds interesting i think...but yeah....really it's gone..i am serious wei..why should i joke..whats the point of testimonial when nobody except you can read it?? I dunno what's happening...but its so uncool...

Got test tommorow and here i am still in front of the pc posting something on my blog...that's quite shitty of me. I shouldn't do that. Tonight maybe i need to sleep with brother's fren, which i am not too willing to.Aih...

well...the moral that i want to post today is : no matter how stupid or unskilled you are, as long as you're leading your life truly, listen to your heart, you are always the winner.

well.....i ended up playing webcam with yi shen until like 1 the other night...ha...he is fun..
I scratched the whole big piece of skin from my finger...which is like damn saddening, then i used this really interesting plaster, some hydro dunno what...it tends to turn my wound into something interesting...i don't know how to describe also ..AHAHAHAH...


金曜日, 11月 05, 2004

hey ,this is a real hamster...but it could be fake because it looks like so fake....anyway it's cute.Posted by Hello

Thought that i can have a webcam session with tribers today...but it's like midnight already my mom is still there scolding my brother..ARGH..aih...T-T..
i watched a movie, and i ate nasi briyani, then i had a scoop of ice-cream. But all these doesn't make me feel any different or heavenly.
Chin Hwa got his visa already...argh...which kinda gimme presure like i haven't get my visa and stuff...Maybe i'll get scolding from my dad tommorow when i tell him about that affidavit of support. T-T

well i think that's it for today..

木曜日, 11月 04, 2004

well....something's wrong with my messenger i am kinda pissed off...really pissed..

The ticket to US is like damn expensive rite....4000 +....damn shitty..Do you think i should take MAS which I will be kinda stranded in NY at night without anyone around, or i should take Singapore airlines which can get me to NY like early in the morning and i can reach Buffalo in late noon, but cost me like another 1000+ bucks?? Maybe i should go ask those people who are going to Buffalo also..

Bush win the seat...a lot of people are not that glad....i think it's nothing good or nothing bad..well i think that maybe after bush win the seat again this time give him a chance to fix all the faults that he did over the past few years, compensating by sacrificing himself for another 4 years as the black sheep..because even if kerry wins...he maybe wouldn't make a good president also.
Anyway...God Bless America.

水曜日, 11月 03, 2004

what the hell.......still got like so much things to do for the visa.......SHITNESS

月曜日, 11月 01, 2004

I got my laptop...but couldn't online one......dumbass..... and i got sorethroat...
Dad's getting the new car and we went for test drive just now...It is perfect..
Well, my brother didn't get screwed...because he improved his average by 0.01, and my mom din say anything.
Laptop...quite heavy...i'll bring it on wednesday, to load some stuff in.
quite sien....got a lot of stuff to do...IT'S NOVEMBER ALREADY!!

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  • I'm Ding
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • The epitome of outstandingly mediocre.
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