DimSum. Shopping. 2006
First and foremost...Happy New Year!!
What I did on the eve was great. We went to Rochester which is an hour plus trip for some heavenly DimSum. Then we went further down to Waterloo to outlet and did some new year shopping. I bought some really cool and cheap shirts from Banana and BCBG. I am now craving to wear one and go out to play. Too bad everyone is broke after yesterday's countdown cum makan trip and I so want to eat a crabcake sandwich in Ruby Tuesday...aih...two of us is no fun.
But anyway, its new year. Leave all of 2005 behind and look ahead of this year. Good luck folks.
What I did on the eve was great. We went to Rochester which is an hour plus trip for some heavenly DimSum. Then we went further down to Waterloo to outlet and did some new year shopping. I bought some really cool and cheap shirts from Banana and BCBG. I am now craving to wear one and go out to play. Too bad everyone is broke after yesterday's countdown cum makan trip and I so want to eat a crabcake sandwich in Ruby Tuesday...aih...two of us is no fun.
But anyway, its new year. Leave all of 2005 behind and look ahead of this year. Good luck folks.