#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Shopping. Books. Countdown.

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Shopping. Books. Countdown.

So everyone went shopping...before christmas, during christmas, after christmas. What I did? stayed at home and watched marathon of America's next top model season 5. Didn't go out not because I don't want to , but I got no choice. I am stranded in a dead place....even MCDONALDS was close. Oh sweet lord... Here's a picture to the amazing make over that I saw in the last season of America's next top model for got milk advertisement. The models are asked to take up a totally different ethnicity and pose.

Guess what ethnicity she is before this? ^^

So to prevent the christmas tragedy to happen again, I decided to do something to stop myself from doing nothing this new year (It's new year after all, it should have a good start). Yesterday, I went to media play (for more information, they sell dvds, cd, computers, and books) and they are closing up, all books are on 40 % since they need to be cleared . I got some really great books at a cheap price. I'll go back for more. If you are curious of what I am reading now, it is Are you afraid of the dark, by sidney sheldon.

2 days to 2006. 2 days more to wrap up the whole year. Hope it is a good year ahead.
