#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Sick . Presentation . Monday.

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Sick . Presentation . Monday.

Not that sick actually......it's actually all about my sprained ankle. And shitness I couldn't even walk on Saturday. I feel terrible and I cried. Still sick....but then a lot better compared to the weekend.
There's this really major presentation tonite. And I am so not prepared. I feel like dying you know.. presentation on top of being sick and and having a sprained ankle..I couldn't have felt any worse..
Yeah...all these things normally happen on Monday because on Sundays when you are sick and everything, you still need to do your powerpoint and homework till late night, which causes headache to happen.And all these things sum up to a crappy Monday.Being sick and having presentation on a cold monday.

Damn...I wish I have time to sleep.
