Tests . Food . Tuesday .
J.D. Christianson and partners WON the account for the Tonawanda Project!!!
Yeah...I went like WHATTHEHELL??? US??? SLAP ME!!! because the third group was so great, they have everything but just lack of the history of their company..I tot they would be the one who walked away with the account...BUT YEAH IT WAS US!! WE WALKED AWAY WITH THE ACCOUNT!!
Rhonda said she love the logo, and also the print ads..*clap*clap*
The senior of this class said that she like the way we relate to the more on the historical side of the Tonawandas. *clap*clap*clap*
Here are the final thing that we showed them:
But anyway, let me make a toast to:
Andy! You're the man!! LOVE YOU!!
Cynthia! You make my day!! Muaks!!
...This was just simply amazing... Andy was such a great account executive..without him to open and round up, probably we would have ended up in tears..I mean all the blood and tears that we put in the process didn't end up in the bin afterall..
Well...everything ended..and I was so hyperactive after that till I couldn't really sleep well even though I was so tired before that...So it's a tuesday, and I am left with three tests... and I am hungry right this very minute..and I'll so miss you guys, Cynthia and Andy, wish you the very best ...