#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Eggnog . Katamari . Friday .

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Eggnog . Katamari . Friday .

This is the last day of our English class. Edward, our lecturer, brought in some eggnog and some cookies. According to him, eggnog is a christmas drink which is basically milk and egg and sugar and cream(which means is real fattening), it's really sweet and it taste even better if you add some brandy in it. So everyone of us took some eggnog...(and it taste familiar, but weird) and munched on some cookies, then they chat a little bit. Anjit, who is always teasing the girls told Koji that he love her, and is willing to settle down with her in Japan...HAHAHA...what crap...then aki said bye bye to Anjit...and added a forever at the end......which is really interesting..hahaha.. Anyway..will miss the class. It was fun^^

So there's still a stats exam on monday, however, I am so going to play katamari build the moon today...I failed trying the other day..but today, it's my turn to play!!! HS! Take a break from your NFS most wanted because the katamari is going to suck everything up tonite!!

It's a friday! It's a friday! Working tommorow...shit....maybe i shouldn't work because my leg still kinda hurt a little bit..But anyway...It's still a FRIDAY!! Thank God It's Friday!
