#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble

« Home | I feel weird because i knew that it would end up s... » | HA!! I changed my server to angelfire and it works... » | The elders saw my nails and they were kinda pissed... » | SEE !! I TOLD YOU!! Green nails really bring me lu... » | Kinda tired...dunno why...tired and cold but i am ... » | BAD NEWS Shit for my midpoint formula....when i wa... » | I had a shitty vacation... It all started off when... » | I had a bad day today. First i lost a favourite ba... » | Yay....today we finally set a date for our outing ... » | Today's a weird day....i am observing all the guys... »

Today's probably a piece of shit, it started of shitty because mom scolded me like dog this morning. I wish that i can say sorry for my terrible behavior but mom would never accept my apology and think that i am trying to act sorry... Anyway... i feel a little bit better after seeing kelvin's picture. but still, I am sad because my green nails are turning kind of yellow..maybe its true about the cheap colors, people warned me that they'll either turn yellow or make your nails yellow. Hopefully i can live through this day.

I'm blue again
My heart is filled with tears
I'm blue again
As I think of wasted years
