#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Snow . Malaysia . Wednesday .

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Snow . Malaysia . Wednesday .

It is snowing again......had been a really wild one last week...considering lining up for two hours at a -20 temperature for a cheap printer. OMIGOD....thinking back...yeah...that was crazy..then I went to the carrousel museum... YEAH, I WENT THERE!! and Andy and Cynthia were laughing like hell....because I went there and got ripped off for 5 bucks for an ancient carrousel ride. I so feel like tearing off all the ads that I created for them so that no one ever gets ripped off again, EVER! Oh yeah.. I got myself a really cool pair of Nike Shox ( you know the boing boing shoe) that makes me like two inch taller everytime I wear it. I'll post it up, since its so cool...that's one of my 'In' fashion item this winter.

Shit..still snowing..I seriously hate snow when it makes my black wool coat white in an ugly way.. Work is piling up...and its mid week already.....Arghh.....everything's just going at a fast pace.

What's up with Malaysia? Tell you what...although I am thousands of miles away from home, I am highly alert with what's on in Malaysia rite now...What's happening now is basically a terrible blizzard in the Malaysian society. I love my country and despise those people who hate it and all but...this time.....I don't think I can do anything to protect her from those who hate her. Its the people...ANAK ANAK MALAYSIA memangnya...who did all these shit out....Brainless perverted fools.... How can they be so stupid to actually humiliate the chinese when China is one of the largest power these days... and whoever that officer was (Noh Omar?); do you think people will forgive you for saying sorry after saying something stupid like: "If foreigners think that Malaysian police are brutal, please go back to their own countries and don't stay here." Hello?! I mean you should change something on the police force, check on their ethics, force them to study pendidikan moral, anything, to build a stronger, more efficient force; instead of asking people to leave. Damn! I really wonder what shit is in that guy's head. Babi. This one I agree. The more I speak about this, the more I feel ashamed of being part of Malaysia, and the more I feel that way, the more I hate the government which are widely controlled by them..but you get my point right? Yeah, I hate brainless people IN MY COUNTRY!!

Getting really fire up here....should calm down....I couldn't make a difference here...oh my god...take good care of yourself, Malaysia.
