#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: That's life.

« Home | Yeah, no doubt that guy is cute...he has Jude Law'... » | I LOST MY MARITHE FRANCOIS GIRBAUD SHIRT!! ONE OF ... » | Oh ...was so shit scared just now because I didn't... » | How to use the 'F' word. » | something to add to my list, one last thing:->a ti... » | christmas list, anyone? » | It is cold today, the cold here I mean is serious ... » | Hmm...finally, I took the brave step to call the d... » | Got my pay check again..and the highlight of yeste... » | As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life we... »

That's life.

It was a good day, I did good on my previous test, I managed to reward my katamari prince with a pink sleeveless tee after hours of struggling in getting the star 7 done... Adam was there grinning all the time..Life's good in fall. Only if i have tons of money..Money might change conditions in life alrite, but it might not be the thing that bring you happiness..There are more things than money that is more important in life.But I deeply believe that if you don't have money, it means that you are SERIOUSLY in deep shit.yeah, I am that material girl that you guys have always been talking about.

Hmm...when I read some kids blog, seeing that they go shopping as if they have a cash machine that has cash coming out from nowhere and non stop, they go yam cha and dancing classes, go starbucks on every trip.. going pedicure when I don't even know what the hell is pedicure when I was 14. They get to do anything they please. I was thinking, what did I do back when I was 14? I struggled in my studies, I get my 5 bucks pocket money everyday. My mom bought my clothes and shoes and everything. You need to save if you want to buy something branded.. and yeah, I got my first benetton purse by then. When I got to college and earn my money, then I started serious shopping, but it never has been branded.....I was wondering when these kids grow up my age, will they go to the high end boutiques and have their first LV when they are 17? Thinking bout this, I feel like I have live my life empty.... I should have thought and did something significant...It was terrible being a teenager...and I hate my life then , my life might be better than a lot others but then.... well, nvm...they are darn lucky. I live a good life now and that's good..Thank god I've survived this far.

Quote of the day:
Envy can be a positive motivator. Let it inspire you to work harder for what you want.
-Robert Bringle, quoted in Redbook
