#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Banana loaf . Katamari . Friday .

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Banana loaf . Katamari . Friday .

Iced Banana loaf after my English class. Bliss..
Apparently df =n-1, and stupid me thought it was 10 times the t score.
10 times more pimples than what I had last week.what make it worse is that HS actually realize that.
Hardcore katamari playing tonight, if not going for movies.
Oh here's a picture of the prince and the katamari...my prince is a little different ,a little bit cuter because he has a sleeveless pink tee =)

a close up of the cosmos prince..Try to post up the dad sometime soon, the dad has a really big crotch.

Wonder what activity is on tonight. Eat out is a must. Afterall, it's friday night!!