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Was pissed off by some middle age bitch while was q-ing to pay for grocery this afternoon.

Don't let me see you again. I am warning you bitch.

Hope you won't get screwed for the next 20 years.

Spoil my mood for the rest of the day.


Am now cursing along with some Limp bizkit.

updated: what the fuck is with the server? why are all those comments posted? But anyway, thanks for updating me with the situation in malaysia

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We all now know that Umno is a racist party in the mold of the apartheid regime of South Africa in the last century, and also practices a big part of Hitler politics (master race).

These are the salient aspects of Umno politics.

Without these racist politics, where else is the strength of Umno! How can they win elections if they don't show and shout racist and discriminatory remarks to their voters and audiences?

The malays have been taught the wrong ideology and values (the NEP, Umno special privileges, etc) and it is going to be very difficult for them to achieve the noble aim and to create 'Towering malays'.

Towering malays? In Malaysia? But what would happen to the NEP? To special privileges? To Umno? They former can't exist at the same time with the latter because they do not share the same values. As a matter of fact they are the exact opposites.

For decades the malays were made to think and believe that material gains and submission to their political masters, were the values and ingredients of the day that would bring them untold success. To put it simply, what the ruling elite says or does will only benefit them and their cronies. I have witnessed these on many occasions up close and personal for more than 30 years.

To young patriots, I urge you not to lose faith in your Bangsa Malaysia. But you must be willing to accept the reality that the policies like the NEP, on the pretext of leveling the playing field has instead stifled and choked, the very creativity and imagination needed for us to succeed in the modern world.

These crutches and respirators were cobbled by your own leaders to protect their own self-interests, the same self-interests that are holding you back.

If the malay leadership is serious and sincere about achieving the noble aims and in creating Towering malays, it must first these replace these policies with those that do not take into account creed, race or religion. This is the plight our bumi brothers and sisters will find themselves in if they keep on being spoon-fed by the government.

The cage is getting overcrowded and the handouts will soon get smaller and ultimately stop, as globalisation comes knocking. Then, when the cages are opened, all hell will break loose and they will start perishing in the wild as in the wild, only the fittest survive.

Heed the prime minister advice given at the last Umno general assembly - throw away the crutches and learn to fly again like the proud Malayan magpie, which was born to be free and rich in song.

I am a Malaysian Chinese living in Hong Kong for the past 15 years. I am a professional and am completely integrated socially.

Looking at my Hong Kong born sons, I am glad they never have to contend with the petty racism of Malaysia. Life is too short for that. No need to worry about government jobs or lack of career progress or scholarships because of their race. They will fail or succeed on their own merits. That is a very liberating thought for a father. I have no great fortune to leave them, but I have given them a chance in a society they can call their own.

I have taught them to respect other peoples and races. And to stand up for their own rights. They should be proud of their Chinese root and not be chauvinistic.

As for Malaysia? Well, they don't know too much about it. It won't be an important country for them. Economically it is too tiny to figure much on the big picture. Several major cities in China already have living standards that exceed Malaysia. Guangdong province alone has a GDP several times that of Malaysia. And it is still growing fast.

I wish Malaysia well for the sake of my relatives still there, but I glad I am not there. Migrate if you can. The West is good and stable but China has opportunities too. Integration is so easy that within one generation it is as if our ancestors have never gone away! Fast forward the all that years of civil war, cultural revolution and famine.

If you cannot emigrate, grumble freely and hope for better days.

Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, can teach Malaysia a thing or two about religious tolerance.

I stayed at a 5-stars hotel in Jakarta recently. On the main buffet breakfast table they serve beef bacon and chicken sausages. But on a side table, they have pork bacon and chicken sausages.

A hotel of the same chain in Kuala Lumpur does not give you a choice. What more is there to say?

It is very distressing to note that malays still feel they have been discriminated against by non-malay companies in the private sector.

This is an old issue and it will go on until Malaysia is truly a fully developed nation practising true meritocracy.

With a national policy in favour of the malays in general, lament of malays being discriminated against in the private sector seems too demanding, to say the least.

When we analyse the history and background of non-malay companies, most of the present big companies started small and grew over the years because of the foresight and thrift by their founders.

At the time when land prices were really cheap, they bought land whenever they had spare cash. Over the years, land prices have risen by leaps and bounds, especially in big towns like Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Singapore.

Having established their companies, isn't it natural for anyone irrespective of race, to try to keep their organisations within the family? Here again, there are problems like no heirs or children who are not interested in running the business and children who cannot be trusted.

If the business involves dealing with fellow Chinese businessmen, for instance, obviously someone who can speak the boss's Chinese dialect is preferred. In this case, even Chinese face problems as not all Chinese can speak a specific dialect. Not all Chinese, too, can read or write in Mandarin. Would a malay company employ a Chinese who cannot understand Bahasa Malaysia?

Instead of barking up the wrong tree and feeling embittered about what little the non-malays have for themselves, perhaps the malays should look into the unjust practices among themselves like Approved Permits issued to undeserving people?

The crux of it all is whether allegations of bias towards malays and prejudice against non-malays are true. If they are, should we then keep quiet and pretend that all is well?

All we are asking for is truth and transparency in all government policies including affirmative action ones. Is that too much to ask for?

Today my son asked me an embarrassing question: Dad, what is a bumi?

I was embarrassed and told him: A bumi is someone who is always right. He was puzzled and asked me candidly: But if he says that 2 + 2 = 6, he should be wrong, shouldn't he?

I told him from my working experience in Malaysia, my son when you are non-malay and Malaysian, you will have to agree for that and even worst and smile. If you dare to argue you will be gently destroyed and degraded in your human dignity.

Whatever is your social position, situation or grade, any bumi even from the remotest kampung, even a mentally disabled bumi will always be right.

Then he asked, is there many bumi in the world? I told him that in South Africa 30 years ago and in Germany on the late 1930s there were some sorts of them.

I told him, do not worry son, you will not have to go through 2 + 2 = 6 always right losers, you will be Australian.

Is the language diversity in our educational system a stumbling block to so-called 'national unity'? Despite the insistence of this idea by the self-interested ruling elite, it is simply wrong.

And the common use of English did not stop Americans from fighting Britons in the War of Independence. And let us not forget the American Civil War - both sides spoke English.

And to the contrary, we see Europeans of different mother tongues coming together in a democratic manner to forge a united continent in the form of the multilingual European Union with common standards of democracy, governance and human rights.

English-speaking people with different mother tongues are also now living peacefully in five different sovereign and independent countries namely the United States, New Zealand, Canada, Britain and Australia.

It is time for the Malaysia ruling elite and their ideologues to stop spreading the voodoo of that language diversity hampers national unity.

The root cause of national disunity is none other than the existence of race-based political parties like Umno, MIC and MCA, which perpetuate race-based affirmative action policies and which only benefit the upper class BN-gangs and their sons, daughters and cronies.

The leaders of Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia, the Malaysian Chinese Association, the Malaysian Indian Congress, Peoples Progressive Party, will talk strongly on peripheral matters, but not on issues that affect the people they represent.

It is wrong to assume that Malaysians would remain quiet for all time.

No government GLCs are not successful any more. None are headed by a non-malay. They would rather employ a white man than a non-malay. Some like Bank Bumi, has been revamped four times, each time the government putting in millions ringgit, if not billions, to keep it afloat. Yet no official has been penalised for running the GLCs to ground.

The latest is MAS, but there are others. In one GLC, a malay is threatening to sue. Rather than face him in court, the GLC would rather give him one of its companies than face him in court. The malay culture of 'tidak apa' continues to dominate.

But who should stop this go along? The non-malay political parties in government will not lift their arm. Their leaders are more interested in being in the cabinet, and if that means stepping on the people they represent, then so be it.

They do not service their constituencies - a singular exception is Samy Vellu - but the people vote them in every time. They hear nothing, see nothing, speak nothing. That is their defensive mechanism to stay in the cabinet.

But politics in this country has reached the stage where the racial groups do not support their leaders, but unite among themselves to oppose them.

It will be a while, perhaps 2020 year, before they are a force. But the policies initiated in the early 1970s has brought this about.

"While other areas in Malaysia are considered as middle-income economy, many parts of Sabah are equivalent to Africa as they are categorised as low-income economy."

But, if we have all been unhappy with BN, why do we keep on electing them, time after time. Yes, I know, there isn't a viable alternative. But now, there is a ghost of a chance for an alternative party, and I think we should try that chance.

The non-malays, or other second and third class citizens have nothing to lose by voting in non-BN parties. After all what can be worse for these classes of citizens than the present situation. I say, give non-BN parties a chance.

Enough is enough.

Arrogant people - those who think they are more Malaysians than others.

Corrupt people - those who keep pilfering from the publics, to enrich themselves.

Hypocritical people - those who say one thing to God and one thing to the people.

Idiotic people - those who think that by waving the keris, the world will be under their feet.

Lazy people - those who wait for durian to drop.

Moronic people - those who go amok, chopping own family members.

Naive people - those who expect God to drop them food when they pray for it.

Stupid people - those who think that wearing turban will make them clever.

Well, I don't think he even knows what his responsibilities as prime minister are. Most probably, he will say that he was not informed of his duties.

Correct me if I am wrong, but by blatantly and frequently announcing that I am in control, the country is fine, Umno is unbreakable etc, over the news and the newspapers a little bit too often, will only show a great disrespect and an unimaginable insult to the intelligence of Malaysians and others all over the world.

You think we are that stupid? Fooling everybody by a mere announcement? Even my dog barks like a fool listening to your announcements. Pak Lah and Umno, your days are numbered.

Hahaha! My toes are laughing Pak Lah. You are much in control?

Don't make a fool of yourself again! The whole world knew what type of prime minister you are. Only your half-past-six cabinet agree with you.

Simply because, with you as prime minister, they have a freer hand to "do whatever they like". If I am one of them, I love to have you as the prime minister. Only you think you are in control.

Hey, Pak Lah, time to wake up or else you will wake up one day and find that our Malaysian females have to travel to or Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam to work as maids. Or the males have to go to Thailand to harvest paddy.

By saying you are in control is of no use. We have ears to hear and eyes to see and most importantly a brain to think. Maybe he didn't even read what his duties are as a prime minister apart from taking care of his family.

If Pak Lah is in control of Malaysia. Who said he is not in control in the first place?

He control who? The cabinet and country are in disarray. Economic is nose diving and people are complaining about high cost of living with poor quality of life. Crime is going up but our country's Governance Indicators coming down.

Fantastic Bolehland! Who control who? "I am in control" is joke of the year!

This is the Pak Lah's way of managing the country. Arrogant, backstabbing, calling names, disrespectful, and the list goes on. Yes, he is very much in control. The BN is getting more and more morally decay everyday. Bravo!

Don't worry, the deputy prime minister will come up with our own Malaysia Governance Indicators where we are top in all categories.

Third world government must group with third world countries, Burma, Laos, Vietnam. What more proof is needed that we are third world class? Hey, you think we are top in third world countries?

That is the greatest joke in the world. If a leader has to keep reminding his people that "he is in control", there has two meanings:

1. The leader is actually "not in control" and fear that people might not respect him, so he has to stress that he is still in control

2. The people don't know who is in control, so the poor leader has to remind them

Sadly, both of these happen in this country. The people (especially those Umno Youth) don't know who is the actual leader of this country. Ask them (Umno Youth) and maybe they would tell you Khairy, but not Pak Lah.

See what they did in Penang? They demonstrated in front of prime minister, have they shown any respect to him? No! Why? Because they don't know who the leader of this country is!

Fight corruption, that will remain a slogan forever in Malaysia. Ong Tee Keat revealed the corrupted practices, but what happened to him? Get bombarded by other minister! Poor thing!

What Pak Lah has done on this matter? Nothing! Why? Because he is not in control of everything and dare not take any action. So, just keep quite and let the other monkeys do the job.

In control……….yup, in control of nothing!

All the news on "I am in control" actually is not the greatest joke of the year, the greatest joke are all the Gerakan/MCA/MIC agreeing to what he says.

If he is in control then please control the fast mouth of Nazri. Looks like he is out of control. His mouth moves faster than his puny brain.

I don't know who has the lousier speechwriter - the pope or our prime minister! Words without action mean little - in this case, it weakens the position of the speaker further.

Just look at Singapore story. Even China taps Lee Kuan Yew's brain on how to progress in the global market.

Pak Lah is not in control of Malaysia and his people, as we can observe that some ministers and some top government officials dared to defy him publicly, e.g. the chief minister of Sabah and the new IGP Musa.

He can't even shut Khairy mouth up who has been talking about rubbish recently.

Hi I am a malay. And I have never liked the concept of Ketuanan Melayu in the first place. I believe in equality and justice. I believe in fairness. I believe that Malaysia should be for all Malaysians not just malays.

It is wrong to be double standards. It is wrong to discriminate and oppress the minorities. It is after all, against Islam. But oh, the Muslim people I know would rather talk about appearance and threats rather than addressing the basic issue of human rights and justice in Malaysia.

I am sorry that you guys have to suffer the consequence. We should all turn our backs on MCA, MIC, Umno and those craps. Opposition seems to be fighting for the better Malaysia for all Malaysians. And I support the effort.

Badawi we all knows that you are a clueless and useless imbecile. The problem is that Badawi does not seem to realise that he is an imbecile. This is probably due to all the ball lickers polishing his knob everyday.

Malaysia as a country is finished economically because from the looks of things the Badawi imbecile will be in charge for the next coming 10 years or more. Neighboring countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam is progressing culturally, economically, socially and politically while we are stuck with a stupid idiot.

Of all the brilliant and smart people in Malaysia we have to end up with Badawi. Welcome to Bolehland because even an idiot can become prime minister. Hahaha.


About the Rambler

  • I'm Ding
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • The epitome of outstandingly mediocre.
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