Weight obsessed.
I am really getting obsessed with this weight loss thing.
While I was in my psychology class, I was counting how many lbs I would loss by 12/11.
You do the maths:
1 day = 0.6lbs,
from now 11/2 till 12/11 = 39 days.
39 days x 0.6lbs/day = 23.4lbs.
I am now 117 lbs.
Which means by 12/11, I'll be a 93.6 lbs girl.
Which is like 42 kg.
And that will make me 5 more kg nearer to my ideal weight.
Ohmigod...This is ecstasy.
And I realized that I still was in class laughing to myself when the professor was speaking about prejudice.
While I was in my psychology class, I was counting how many lbs I would loss by 12/11.
You do the maths:
1 day = 0.6lbs,
from now 11/2 till 12/11 = 39 days.
39 days x 0.6lbs/day = 23.4lbs.
I am now 117 lbs.
Which means by 12/11, I'll be a 93.6 lbs girl.
Which is like 42 kg.
And that will make me 5 more kg nearer to my ideal weight.
Ohmigod...This is ecstasy.
And I realized that I still was in class laughing to myself when the professor was speaking about prejudice.