Another Sleepwalking day.
Got screwed upside down Mr Ngambi, my French teacher.
Innocent me.
I am one of those good students who emailed him when I am absent.
And he didn't check his email lately.
And I was thought to be one of those irresponsible ones.
Anyway, I enjoyed that weird movie about that weird designer, Babarico.
Then I went to Geology class.
I was awake at first.
And then I kinda slept through the class. I couldn't figure out what I was writing.
I kinda noticed that the teacher himself yawned a couple of times .
While he was lecturing.
He knows that his lectures are dead bored.
Then I woke up. And I manage to get my notes in a neat manner again.
Someone actually came to my blog and told me bout Mardi Gras.
It's the gay community who brought the sex and the partying in.
Well, I used to think that this is a once in a year BIG GAY EVENT.
Nothing to do with anything holy.
Untill yesterday.
Sorry to everyone who thinks that I sound rude.
Well, today's a so so day.