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On Valentines.

If you read my previous post you should know how I felt about my caramel macchiato.Well this is the sequel. I ended up having a stomach ache after I finish that drink.

story 2:
I went to my com125 class and this guy , James, who sit beside me all the time popped up a question.

"So how's valentines?"he asked.

"Nothing much."

Then we looked at each other with the "ohyouknowwhy" look.

"Valentines suck."he frowned.

I nodded. Thinking of the trouble my only valentine, the stupid caramel macchiato has caused me.

"You know what, I actually dated this girl out for a romantic dinner and the last minute she told me she is going out with her ex reason is that she's still in love with her ex and trying to do things to get him back. I was like what the heck." he chuckled in a sarcastic way." But on the bright side, I save 50 bucks. Ha!"

I went to my English class and Mr Batchelder was oh so happy and all that jazz when he came in . Why? Because it's Valentines.

" Are you going anywhere tonite, Edward?" one of the classmates asked.

Mr Batchelder was smiling but he showed dissapointment on his face.

"Well, I was suppose to have a romantic dinner with my wife tonite at this really nice restaurant. I called up for reservations and hoping to give her a surprise."

He's sweet, I thought.

" But then last friday, my wife has this really strong urge to eat out, and she wanted to eat at the very same restaurant. So I said that I don't want to eat out and she started to pick a fight with me, saying that I never want to go out and eat." He started to get real excited bout this fight.

" Then I told her: See, we have this situation here. I have already reserved a dinner for two on valentines day.So we should eat next tuesday instead of today."

But too bad, the wife insisted on going on friday. And so they went on friday. He first wanted to bring her to another dinner, but then she insisted on staying home to watch the winter olympic figure skating.

The story doesn't end here. Mr Batchelder INSISTED on doing something.

So he woke up early this morning and shovel the snow off from his driveway and used his shoes to draw a love shape with his wife name in it and ran into the house pretending that the neighbor's kids has done something to their garden. The wife went out and saw the love with her name in it. She was happy.

Mr Batchelder is terribly sweet. I wish HS is one tenth of him.

And my stomach still doesn't feel well. Valentine sure do suck.

1 comment

Sweet sweet lecturer.

Anyway don't feel too bad about Valentine's. You guys should talk.


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  • I'm Ding
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • The epitome of outstandingly mediocre.
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