#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: My heart's in England.

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My heart's in England.

My mind got drifted away by the thoughts of buying gifts for my parents when I meet them up in UK. Should I get a LV bag for my mom? and a Mont Blanc pen for my dad? Then an i pod for my adorable brother...And something pulls me back from dreaming further.

The money in my bank account.

Say if I go to NYC this spring, and get my handphone, and then, get all those things that I have mentioned...I will be in debt...like serious debt..And what am I suppose to do during the summer if I am not applying for the internship? Ohmigod.

And my French classes is shit. I couldn't actually get a single word that my Lecturer said in the practice oral test just now. Was it me? or was it the lecturer? And later on only I found out: It's the lecturer.

I was walking on the hallway and I heard my classmates saying: "I couldn't get what he says exactly even after like four years of french learning. I feel sorry for those who sit in the class, first time learning french and showing blank expressions to the board trying to figure out what he says."

I am sure this statement is pointing , with a real HUGE arrow, to me.

Because they lowered down their voices when they see me walking pass.

Not that I am sensitive, but yeah, I am one of the few first time French learning students, and I am the only one newbie who attended the class today. The others are PRO.

Damn.Maybe I should start reading my textbook.

And it is snowing.

And it is minus dunno what with REALLY strong wind.

And I feel like shit rite now.

Almost broke and helpless.


About the Rambler

  • I'm Ding
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • The epitome of outstandingly mediocre.
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