#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: christmas list, anyone?

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christmas list, anyone?

oh, seems like some close friends of mine already have listed out some small favors that they would want santa to do (apparently are things that are impossible for santa to give since the population of the world is growing...kids nowadays...aih..bmw 6 series huh?) well, since everyone have listed out what they want on christmas. I would list out mine too (only if santa knew that I had been a good girl all year long)
-> stop all the natural disaster in the world.
-> a trip to paris (bonjour, croissant la'mor)
-> a trip to tokyo (日本を大好きですね!!)
-> a trip back to Malaysia (aku cinta negaraku)
-> make adam a real life pet (that would be like awww...)
-> a take all you can shopping spree in fifth avenue that require only an admission ticket that cost 5 bucks, and I am the only customer
-> an internship in saatchi and saatchi.
-> a pilot license
-> a better management in the place I am staying ( Hell to you, b*tch.)

I am not asking for much , am I?
