#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Upclose with The Holiness Dalai Lama

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Upclose with The Holiness Dalai Lama

The Holiness specially requested that he wanted to talk to us, the chinese students.
So early in the morning, we went to slee hall.
Not much people went.

The security was very very strong.
However, we managed to get the first row seats.
Slee hall wasn't big, the special thing about it is the gigantic pipe organ.

It was a long wait so they sent a pianist to entertain us at the meantime.
Dalai lama came early, and he looked smiley and mischiveious.

He must feel very welcome and comfortable seeing the chinese.
Look at the way he seat when he speaks.

" I am just a normal person" the holiness said.
How could he be when there is a crowd of 20000 that fill the whole football stadium gather around to listen to him speak?

" Unbiased Compassion ought to be in everyone."
That is the message the holiness wants to tell us.
And I am one of the luckier ones that get this message twice.

1 comment

Wow. so many people ar?
