What I have been up to lately.
I told you HS got me a pink bike. And in less than two days, it has scratches everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE.

The first time we rode for an hour around the park near our campus. And we found that it is indeed very thirsty to cycle that way. We decided to get ourselves the water bottle that they put on the bicycle.
HS also decided to get me a bell to put on my bike so that I can warn people that I am near. ( I am a reckless driver.)
So we were all happy and went to Dick's the sporting goods store. bought everything we needed.
The bottle hanger.

The nike bottle.

And went we come back, we found out that our bicycles are one of those 15% that doesn't have the screws for the hanger.T-T
But nevermind, I have something else to play with. I bought myself a pair of white canvas slip ons and some arcylic colors...and I am here to do some crafts. I have painted part of it silver. Will show you the outcome.

And recently, Adam's toy, Robo the robot that listen to your japanese commands. Talks, sings, dance and throw tantrums. Mine seems to love to throw tantrum a lot. So I decided to shut him up by putting back the slip into the battery hole. Damn.

Other than all that. It's all work.

The first time we rode for an hour around the park near our campus. And we found that it is indeed very thirsty to cycle that way. We decided to get ourselves the water bottle that they put on the bicycle.
HS also decided to get me a bell to put on my bike so that I can warn people that I am near. ( I am a reckless driver.)
So we were all happy and went to Dick's the sporting goods store. bought everything we needed.
The bottle hanger.

The nike bottle.

And went we come back, we found out that our bicycles are one of those 15% that doesn't have the screws for the hanger.T-T
But nevermind, I have something else to play with. I bought myself a pair of white canvas slip ons and some arcylic colors...and I am here to do some crafts. I have painted part of it silver. Will show you the outcome.

And recently, Adam's toy, Robo the robot that listen to your japanese commands. Talks, sings, dance and throw tantrums. Mine seems to love to throw tantrum a lot. So I decided to shut him up by putting back the slip into the battery hole. Damn.

Other than all that. It's all work.