#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Canal Fest

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Canal Fest

I pretended to be sick yesterday and skipped work. And I went to play. Because no play for me makes me a dull girl.
So the whole lot of us went to the summer fest at Erie Canal. Funny thing that I never been there since I have made like a campaign out of it.
Since it is a Fun Fest, of course it includes the horrifying rides, the game stalls that steal your money away from you, and a lot of food stalls selling ice cream and popcorns and cotton candy and corndogs and sandwiches and clams.
Reached there at 7. Got myself a raspberry sided sundae.
Then I got on a ride named the claw.

The reason why this ride is horrifying because it is not like the ordinary roller coaster ride that last like 1 second. This, they put you up there such a long time and turn you like 360 degree up high in the sky, and turn, and turn, and another time.
When I came down we were all dizzy. The most embarrasing thing is that the whole lot of us adults were screaming like hell and the primary school kids were cool as cucumber. Dang.

The guys went to another ride named zero gravity, it spins you round and round, faster and faster and eventually in 90 degrees and you are standing on the machine. Again, I think they were the oldest players there, and they were also those who screamed like babies. Extremely mempersiasuikan.

After that we got lured by the big presents the game stalls give away, we ended up getting conned by contributing some money to them.

We strolled down the road later, and I see gateway harbor.

It is not something to shout about like the one in Baltimore. It is small and humble.
This is the bridge on top of the harbor.

We walked further down the road and I see ponies.

And more game stalls.
Then we saw a concert going on.
Like a teeny weeny boring concert but everyone over the age of 35 seemed to enjoy it.
Occassionally, some toddlers were being forced down to the dance pool.Too young to walk around alone.

It was quite late and hungry after all these strolling, we went to wild wings.
On the way to get the car, we saw this car.

They even have a screen on the bonnet showing what song the system is playing.
And there is this big tank of nitrous gas that I have never seen installed in real cars.
I only see it and used it in needforspeed.

Looks like one of the " REDI? SETTO? GO!" type of cars that we saw in Tokyo Drift. By the way, that is the stupidest movie I have ever saw.

It was a fun experience. And skipping work is worth the fun that I had.


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  • I'm Ding
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • The epitome of outstandingly mediocre.
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