#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Another non constructive day.

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Another non constructive day.

Woke up early in the morning.
Getting used to waking up early nowadays.
Cooked pooridge.Put three scallops.
Checked mail. Waited for 8.30 so that I can call USPS to reschedule for delivery.
Damn they never bother to show any sign of calling you up.
Or knocking at your door when they want your signature during pick up.
They just give you a notice, saying that you are not at home
(and damn I was at home all the time)
and want you to go pick up yourself.
Lazy people.
At the meantime, tried to bug some people i see on my MSN list.
Nobody replied.
Good ol'Adrian entertained me for a while.
So I called USPS up for at least four times and it cut off like out of a sudden everytime.
When I call it goes back to the stupid irritating voice menu that can never understand what I say.
And finally I got this lady.
At last.
When I get that tommorow. I am all set to send off my passport to renew.
And also a couple of things to Chin Hwa, and HS's sister that I should have sent ages ago.
And also the fake abercrombie that I bought on ebay.
I am so sending it back and getting a refund.
The seller say yes she will give me a refund.
Now I am sleepy.
And bored.
Maybe I'll do a little bit of reading before going back to bed.
At least make it a more constructive day.


About the Rambler

  • I'm Ding
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • The epitome of outstandingly mediocre.
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