#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: confusion in a little bit of boredom.

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confusion in a little bit of boredom.

I have nothing much to speak about here....since my life has gone back to normal..
Go School.
I don't know if I should be happy bout this or what...It started snowing in Buffalo already, and finally the cold weather is here. I mean I am not happy when the weather in January is warmer than in November. Now that it is cold, I miss the good old days that I can actually walk around.
Happy? Sad? Confused?
My hair is longer now. To cut , to straighten, to perm, to highlilght, to layer; I don't dare to take the risk.
I wonder what to eat later. Cheesecakes and pastas make me fat. Soup and salads keep me healthy. And I have gain so much weight over the past few months. What should I eat?
Water is the best solution.
I gotta go. Go to classes. See ya.
