#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: Hardcore shopping and Wendy's

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Hardcore shopping and Wendy's

YES! To substitute the heavy TV watching and Ginko eating, I decided to transform all these new year habits into HARDCORE THREE DAY STRAIGHT SHOPPING... I tell you what...I had the ultimate shopping experience by getting stuff which are up to 75, 80, 85, 90% Off!!!

Told you I went nuts.

Yes, this is partly due to the psychological imbalance of only having Wendy's 99cents nugget after the 12 hours dining hall work when people are gathering around in some posh chinese restaurant eating fish and chicken on new years eve.

And the result of the shopping spree:
Two pairs of DKNY jeans,one of each of the following brand tees: abercrombie, american eagle, DKNY, BCBG. A calvin klein tank top and a pjpants from abercrombie.

The Damage? around $120

The Aftermath: I'll stop, I mean completely stop shopping for at least a couple of months.

Moral of the event: Instead of going on a shopping spree, better stay home and stick to the TV and snacks and get Angpow during CNY.
