#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: brokeback mountain and gay cowboys.

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brokeback mountain and gay cowboys.

Well...something's wrong with this PC..so I'll try my best to finish this post and post before anything happens.

Brokeback mountain ROCKS!! Watch it...I know its a gay cowboy film and all, but it's a really sad movie..
They are just the same as those torn lovers who wants to be together but it's all about the social constraints that keeps them apart...so much like the Romeo and Juliet that we have been reading in novels all these years..Sad...damn, there should be more of these controversial movies about the gay and lesbians..

I am listening to a really weird japanese song from We love katamari soundtrack. It's called the "katamari on the rocks". It's fun...it makes me wanna feel katamari again outta sudden. Speaking about my katamari, i haven't touch it for ages....It's a really fun game.

I am on diet. I have half pita bread with egg and lettuce and two spoonful of italian dressing for brunch and dinner. And I have cereal and milk for supper. And a pack of sunchips for snack.lets see how much I can lose in three weeks with this diet.90 lbs, here I come.


1 comment

I am as ashamed as I am happy to know that you actually remember my birthday. THANKS, A LOT! all the best to you too!
