#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble: a melancholy tale of the eve's eve of CNY

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a melancholy tale of the eve's eve of CNY

So there I was, finished with my last minute CNY shopping, waiting at the main door for HS to pick me up.It was a chilly evening, but I was sweating from the heat of the anticipation of the shopping before CNY.

After 1o mins of waiting,along came a woman in her 30s with a lookindaold JC Penny bag. She took out a cigarette and started to smoke. Little did I know that the shopping bags that I was holding was catching her attention.

She started talking to me.

"Isn't it good to have money to shop?"
I nodded feeling weird that she will ask such question.

" Bought a lot of things, dint ya?"
I nodded again, smiling at her, at the same time observing her.

"I have bills to pay, and I have a couple of kids to feed." she paused and asked" You don't have kids do ya?"
I shook my head and started thinking maybe she want me to offer her some money or so.

" What did you buy? JC Penny has some really good sales."
I told her that I bought some shirts for me and HS for Chinese New Year.

"Oh! So it's like the Christmas that we celebrate?"
I nodded again.

She took a puff on her cigarette and introduced herself ." My name's Lisa."
"Niki. Nice to meet you."

I can see the worries of paying the bills and raising up kids with limited cash flow. I see melancholy in her eyes.

And HS came.
"Good to meet you, Lisa. Have a good evening."
She waved.

I feel guilty for spending the money on myself. I should have spend it to those who need it.
What's the big deal of New Year?
God Bless everyone.

1 comment

haha. so dramatic. well. if u think u shud use the money on sum1 hu needs it. use on me. i need some. haha. jokin' la. it's good for u to think like dat. cheers, and have fun wif hs.
