Chris there is, again.
In class.
He was leaving when he saw me.
He smiled.
It's not the smile that I used to know.
It's a smile that showed sorry in his eyes.
How are you doing? he asked.
Fine. What about you?
I am okay.He nodded. Are you sure you're okay? You look stressed.
Yeah I am okay. See you around.
He is makeasunnydaybrighter Chris no more.
One happy thing to mention, I have sent out some presents.
Watch out people whose birthdays are coming soon. ^^
He was leaving when he saw me.
He smiled.
It's not the smile that I used to know.
It's a smile that showed sorry in his eyes.
How are you doing? he asked.
Fine. What about you?
I am okay.He nodded. Are you sure you're okay? You look stressed.
Yeah I am okay. See you around.
He is makeasunnydaybrighter Chris no more.
One happy thing to mention, I have sent out some presents.
Watch out people whose birthdays are coming soon. ^^
ラベル: gifts, melancholy, personal