#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble

« Home | Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; ... » | Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to... » | chin hwa said this picture look like some advertis... » | me in a spring mood  » | woohoo spring break is over...... and finally spri... » | I should let go.. or should I not?? I am someone w... » | hmm.....snowing outside...going to study for the t... » | This is an ad for my comm graphics class...not too... » | 需要一点勇气,来跟你说对不起 她一直在你心中,我还爱上你知道这样不行,偏偏继续下去 怎么会有结果,是... » | I wonder why Rock is unhappy with us....maybe its ... »

Its 20 degrees today.which make me kinda happy ...Finally weather like malaysia..Slept too much yesterday...I want to say something here...i seriously don't like the way the white people acts....they are self centered..well....aih...what can i do? i can only like bear with them because i am in their country... Culture Shock...

Well, on NH detoxslim, Lavendah (i wonder if you'll still read my blog), it'll slim you down, including you need to watch out what you eat also..if you eat like a lot and depending on NH..that's bullshit..i think whatever slimming pills also couldn't slim you down. Your bf thinks you are fat? I think there's something wrong with his attitude eh...If he thinks you're fat, he should encourage you to go work out, or he'll accompany you to go work out somehow.. You can go try it, because NH has no side effects, it'll make you shit for the first few days but then it'll be okie...serious...try it..without any worries..tell your bf to fuck off if he still say that you're fat..=P

1 comment

I'm white and I'm very open minded and not self-centered.. Anyone can be self centered not just white people.. Anybody can be self centered.. There are a lot of people out there that are. Some people have self-centered days and sometimes they don't.. It's not all just white people.
