#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble

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There's a really interesting site that Sam asked me to try out. I think girls out there might like it also. There's this program in the movie site for the show ALFIE (the new version one with Jude Law)... www.alfiemovie.com ....check out the program under the media category where you can ask him questions. Well it is a unusually smart program that you feel like it is alive. And the way it talks , you really think that Alfie is talking, and he can talk in a flattering way (if you talk him right =)).

p/s: I think this program is hacked a little bit already, so sometimes "Alfie" tend to answer you in some weird way like " i think you come i come think i come you come come." which makes no sense at all. But overall it's still really interesting to play with when you are bored.JUDE LAW IS REALLY CUTE.

My god-daughter, Rosy, wrote me a letter. I think she is still not capable to write me stuff, and some elders are heping her do it because the writings, even though it's some jawi kind of writings, i can feel that it is not a small kids writing. Nevermind. She drew me a picture. Kinda weird i find. It is a picture of a teapot, with flowers inside. Then there's a stalk of wheat at the corner of the picture. I wonder if i can tell what she is thinking from the picture she drew. I feel sad seeing that drawing. Nevermind. I still love her. =)

Today we had a food fair in school. The food are quite good. and I finished the samosa that i bought for my mom and my brother. Shitness. So god punished me not to have dinner.
