#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble

« Home | At Last my love has come alongMy Lonely days are o... » | well , let me see what else i should say......oh o... » | This is cranky, a wind up toy, i got it from MoMA ... » | this is puppy...one horny little soft puppy....HS ... » | Well let me introduce some new members to my famil... » | Well, first day of my pathetic job, the boss doesn... » | This is Baltimore, in Maryland..This land is named... » | Sun setting in Washington DC.. a view from the Tho... » | This is where Bush stays.  » | this is statue of liberty, the gift from france to... »

erm.four days since i wrote the last blog..I went to watch Cinderella man and Crash, both interesting movies. Something bad happened to me..I GOT A STUPID SUMMON FOR GOING INTO THE SUBWAY GATE WITH HS..actually both of us got summon...its either 60 bucks or dismissed...nvm..I think the hearing guy will just let us go like that.....so since we went to another side of NYC for the hearing, yesterday we went a lot of places...let me see...hmm...we went brooklyn, don't really like that place..went there had lunch at Chun Sien's place, then we went down to coney island, stillwell avenue..with all the rides and beaches there....SHITNESSLY HOT even it's just like 30 degrees. In this place, everyone's wearing bikini and shorts and skirts, we two stupid fools were wearing like jeans and sneakers ..burning...so we got out of the place because it's kinda "Shady" there..went back window shopping..came back, then went out again, don't want to waste our one day unlimited fun pass..went down to Rockefella center..came out, and there was live band playing that song "Ah lalala long, Ah lalala long long li long long long.." (i assume you know that song...I think its call sweat.) some nice relaxing song.....in a summer nite like that..then we stroll down rockefella center to fifth avenue, where we see the famous SAKS 5th Avenue....and all those fancy boutiques..along fifth avenue, we walk to Times Square, where all neon lights advertisings , and tourists, and shops, and broadway shows are there...
Someday, very soon , I will be a BIG part of this fascinating city. =)
