#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble

« Home | in the state of depression..i mean SERIOUS state o... » | This is me and angeline..hmm..i really think she l... » | went to watch AVP.....they say its a sci fi hindus... » | whatever.......as if twenty years before is now...... » | hmm...you know what i like bout cheese buns?? the ... » | YER......stupid bruce watching AVP with his friend... » | went steamboat for charm's farewell....she's looks... » | The problems with GUYS: If u TREAT him nicely, he... » | ARGHH!!! I LOST MY MP3 PLAYER!!! lucky thing Sin L... » | This song is dedicated for someone i like...(ehehe... »

This is me.just woke up from my nap after reading some philosophy book.

Today we did something really interesting in advertising class...and i met someone who look damn like ah suah who is call ah loon...Even Sam got shocked when i showed him Ah suah's picture...well, they really look alike, just that ah loon got really nice skin. Back to this thing we did in the class, Ms anna gave a picture which showed a girl who is two timing even when the boyfriend is around.. and we are suppose to add that particular picture into our whole "supposingly" tv ad...so we came out with this!


Thinking of two timing, but don't want to be obvious and get caught?(pic we were given)
Introducing the New Nokia 6601, with this new phone, you can two time, three times or even more with any hunks of your choice!!(pics with a lot of hunks and girl looking happy)
Dedicated to two timers, designed to provoke.( a woman sitting provocatively)
Nokia. Connecting People.

AHAHAHHA........what do you think?? It's all my idea wei....in like 30 mins....but without my teammate i couldn't have make it also....coz they find all the pics...that's what teams are for....some to contribute ideas, some to contribute strength...ahahah.But it was fun...really it was.. But i really think i got talent in this field wei..

Me and Bruce agreed that we chould watch less movies....coz its expensive.....so hm...maybe we should watch two weeks once....^^..i should suggest that to him..make it our ritual.THE MOVIE KAKIS RITUAL..

Seem like Yi shen's prayers help...^^...i feel better today...
