#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble

« Home | feel like fever......大変.... » | michael said that dress looks good...and it's alri... » | Forgot to post this...this is Princess Sinlee and ... » | I bought my dress yesterday.MNG!! Mainstream man..... » | aih.....sien.everyone is so busy you know...but i ... » |   » | hmm..mike showed amanda the badge i gave him, what... » | what the hell..........i really duwan to be like t... » | The more i know jonathan, the more i feel it's the... » | I threw a tantrum on Mike yesterday saying that i ... »

Good Morning to the world....though i din send money to the famine campaign thing...i am going to join them to feel a taste of hunger...AT HOME!!! aih.........damn tired man...-_-..
This superman joke is funny:

Superman was feeling bored after a long break of crime fighting and wanted to go out and party. He called Batman to ask if he wanted to go to a club & pick up some young girls. Batman said Robin was ill & he had to look after him.

A little disappointed, Superman "SMS" Spiderman to see if he fancied a few beers but Spiderman said he had a date with Catwoman.

As a last resort, Superman flew over to Wonderwoman's apartment to see if she was free. As he landed on her balcony, he saw Wonderwoman naked on the bed with her legs open and her eyes closed. Superman thought to himself, " So exotic, should I or shouldn't I ....wait ...I'm faster than a speeding bullet! I can be in there, have sex & out again before she knew what happened."

So Superman did his super thing in a split second and flies off happily. Meanwhile on the bed, Wonderwoman said, "What is going on? Did you hear anything..........????"

Invisible-Man replied, "No! But....... my ASS hurts like hell!"

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