Was singing along to this Dreamgirls song a while ago..
Never met a man
Quite like you
didn't know you can
Making my dreams come true
You're strong and you're smart
You're taking my heart
And I'll give you the rest of me too
You're the perfect man for me
I love you I do
And I got this very unexpected response from HS:
Yes, I know.
Along with it was this grin saying that he's not joking.
I didn't know he's THAT thick skinned.
Never met a man
Quite like you
didn't know you can
Making my dreams come true
You're strong and you're smart
You're taking my heart
And I'll give you the rest of me too
You're the perfect man for me
I love you I do
And I got this very unexpected response from HS:
Yes, I know.
Along with it was this grin saying that he's not joking.

ラベル: personal, relationships
haha. well, he is really quite thick skinned. But, you might give the same response to him if he probably said that to you. Between, i am sending u all the angpows which were meant for you, though i might have taken some, for tips and all those postage. But at least the empty red packets will go with the others. After all, it's the definition of the culture of giving angpow that matters, not the money in it, rite? ^^
Posted by
uzhe |
10:15 午後
nyaha....eh, you shouldn't take my money. I am so going to get it back from you. Anyway, thanks bro!
Posted by
Ding |
3:21 午前