#image { position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 800px; height: 600px; Me Love To Ramble

« Home | WISH I WERE DEAD EVERYONE WOULD BE HAPPY TO SEE ME... » | This is me.just woke up from my nap after reading ... » | in the state of depression..i mean SERIOUS state o... » | This is me and angeline..hmm..i really think she l... » | went to watch AVP.....they say its a sci fi hindus... » | whatever.......as if twenty years before is now...... » | hmm...you know what i like bout cheese buns?? the ... » | YER......stupid bruce watching AVP with his friend... » | went steamboat for charm's farewell....she's looks... » | The problems with GUYS: If u TREAT him nicely, he... »

I am trying to apply what Bruce taught me yesterday...to make today a better day....^^ Eh Bruce....maybe you should be my psychiatrist after all.....You are a very good one..

hmm.it seems like writing a poem when i am depressed is not a good thing to do coz i tend to make a lot of silly grammar mistakes. Aih.....but i still feel like going out..to watch a movie or to read a book..or even just sit in KLCC park and stare at people..At least better than sitting at home and do nothing...

it's only 11.30 in the morning.....still got like so many hours to go..maybe i should just go out and feel the weekend crowd. I really should change my perception of myself....
